Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Crochet: WHO KNEW?

I keep seeing all these really cute crochet items and I was trying to remember why it is that I don't like to crochet. I have a new crafty friend (shout out to Lorri) who inspired me to try again. So, after a few hours of internet surfing I found a couple patterns to try out. This one is available for free at:

Ok, so I crochet REALLY tight and this is painful. After some encouragement from my crochet buddy I tried again and loosened my grip. :) EUREKA!! This is not so bad. I am not a fan of crochet clothing BUT love quick household items and toys. I have already made 4 versions of this. More pics to come.

(Hint: check out the magazine in the background to find my little buddy W.I.P.)


Paula C. said...

Love the crochet hot pad! Printed out the pattern and can't wait to try it =) I will have a look at this magazine when I get over to JoAnn's. It's not one that I usually buy so maybe I am missing something, lol!

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