Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Crochet: WHO KNEW?

I keep seeing all these really cute crochet items and I was trying to remember why it is that I don't like to crochet. I have a new crafty friend (shout out to Lorri) who inspired me to try again. So, after a few hours of internet surfing I found a couple patterns to try out. This one is available for free at:

Ok, so I crochet REALLY tight and this is painful. After some encouragement from my crochet buddy I tried again and loosened my grip. :) EUREKA!! This is not so bad. I am not a fan of crochet clothing BUT love quick household items and toys. I have already made 4 versions of this. More pics to come.

(Hint: check out the magazine in the background to find my little buddy W.I.P.)