Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Love Washcloth Pattern

This is the 2nd in my "Peace, Love, & Happiness" washcloth series that I knit for my mother.

Needles: Size 4
Yarn: Sugar'n Creme Cotton - Bright Red
Finished Size Approx. 5" x 5" (28stitches x 53 rows)
Pattern: Use the chart below and the instructions following.
* I knit very tightly so adjust needles size to get appropriate gauge*
Odd rows = right side (all knit)
Even rows = wrong side
Knit all stitches except purls on wrong side.

Cast on 29 stitches.
Row 1-3 knit across all stitches.
Knit across all odd rows (right side)
R4: K14, P1, K14
R6: K13, P3, K13
R8: K12, P5, K12
R10: K11, P7, K11
R12: K10, P9, K10
R14: K9, P11, K9
R16: K8, P6, K1, P6, K8
R18: K7, P6, K3, P6, K7
R20: K6, P6, K5, P6, K6
R22: K5, P6, K7, P6, K5
R24: K4, P6, K9, P6, K4
R26: K3, P6, K11, P6, K3
R28: K3, P5, K13, P5, K3
R30 & 32: K3, P4, K15, P4, K3
R34: K3, P4, K7, P1, K7, P4, K3
R36: K3, P4, K6, P3, K6, P4, K3
R38: K3, P5, K4, P5, K4, P5, K3
R40: K3, P6, K2, P7, K2, P6, K3
R42: K3, P11, K1, P11, K3
R44: K4, P9, K3, P9, K4
R46: K5, P7, K5, P7, K5
R48: K6, P5, K7, P5, K6
R49-53: Knit across all
Bind off on wrong side.
Sew up tails.
(I like to split the tail in two, and then sew up 4 tails)


Mainely4Knitting said...

LOVE it! Thanks for sharing! I'll have to make this soon and I'll be sure to let you see how it comes out!

judith said...

I love this model!Thank very much,see you soon,judith

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Unknown said...

My knit group makes preemie blankets for the NICU, and these are a PERFECT pattern =)

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